Sooke School District
Student Registration

Server Status: Good

Confirm Your Street Address

Your home address will need to be in our catchment maps to complete the online registration. Use this tool to confirm that your address is in our catchment.

Street Address : Submit

(Only use number and street name. For example: 3143 Jacklin or 3325 Metchosin Road)

Confirm Your E-mail Address

You will need to have a valid e-mail address to complete the registration, and you will have to be capable of receiving messages from us at that e-mail address. To confirm that this will work for you when registration opens, please enter your e-mail address below. We will send you an email verification number at that address that you will be able to use to start the registration process on Monday.

E-mail Address: Submit

Sooke School District (#62) Student Registration

Welcome to the Sooke School District's online registration system.

If you have any questions, please contact your child's school, or send us an email.